Target High Intent Prospects

Target High Intent Prospects

Leverage buying intent data to pinpoint when potential buyers are actively researching solutions you offer.

This data offers a window into which companies are in the initial stages of searching for products like yours. By identifying these prospects early, you can initiate contact, fostering a relationship from the outset.

  • Book more meetings


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Sequence Template Preview
DAY 1 Manual emailHi {{ first_name }},

How are things going at {{ company }} as it relates to {{ primary_intent_signal }}?

With [PRODUCT], you can easily [VALUE PROP].

Intrigued? Pick a time [INSERT CALENDAR LINK] that works best and we can explore more.

DAY 1 Call + voicemailCall script:
Hey {{first_name}}, Straight up, I know I'm totally calling you out of the blue, do you have 30 seconds for me to tell you why I’m calling and if I miss the mark I’ll hang up on myself.

Awesome, appreciate that. I’m [YOUR NAME] from [COMPANY]. I know as a [PERSONA] over at {{ company }} you probably have 300 things on your plate. Curious if one of them is {{ primary_intent_signal }}?

Amazing, that’s exactly why I’m calling. I talk to [PERSONA] all day long and when it comes to things like {{ primary_intent_signal }} that come up a lot are [PAIN POINTS]. Is that the same for you?

*Give a 1-2 sentence pitch with added credibility/social proof*

I know I caught you mid coffee sip and I’m way past my 30 seconds. Does it sound like a complete waste for us to find some time when I’m not calling you out of the blue and I can tell you a little more?

Leave voicemail:
Hi {{first_name}}, it’s [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR COMPANY].

I’m calling to check in and see if your company is looking for {{ primary_intent_signal }}? I believe we can help.

I’ll drop you an email as well, so feel free to call or email me back and we’ll find some time on our calendars to get into more detail.

Looking forward to hearing back soon!
DAY 4Linkedin connection<Leave blank>
DAY 7 Automatic emailHi {{first_name}}, Are you struggling with [PAIN POINT] when it comes to {{ primary_intent_signal }}?

We have worked with a few companies who were feeling this pain, and switched to us and were able to see [QUANTIFIABLE BENEFITS].

Let me know if you want to chat more. Or, if easier, feel free to grab time on my calendar here [INSERT CALENDAR LINK].

Talk soon,
DAY 7CallCall but no voicemail
DAY 10Linkedin messageHi {{ first_name }}! I’ve sent you a couple of emails, and just wanted to drop a note that I’m a resource—now or in the future—whenever {{ primary_intent_signal }} might be top-of-mind.
DAY 12Automatic emailHi {{first_name}},

We understand your challenge as [PERSONA] and [PAIN POINTS]. That’s why [YOUR COMPANY] was created – to make it easier for [PERSONA] to [VALUE PROP].

If this is just not the right time, I totally get it.

I'll send a LinkedIn message in the next couple days so when the time is right, you can find me. 😀

DAY 12CallCall but no voicemail
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