Go-to-market intelligence built on the best data

Sell smarter with Apollo’s AI assistant built on the world’s largest database and millions of sales engagement data

Powered by Open AI


Research prospects with AI prompting

Save time and do prospect research in bulk using AI prompts on Apollo data, professional posts, and web content. Then use the AI-generated insights to filter your ICP list, personalize emails, and sync seamlessly to your CRM.


Prioritize best-fit leads with AI scores

Pinpoint high-converting prospects without the hassle of figuring out your own lead-scoring model. We analyze your ideal customer profile and use historical data from your CRM and Apollo account to surface prospects that are excellent customer fit.


Generate highly personalized emails in seconds

Leverage AI in your email writing process for recommendations, personalization, rephrasing, and message analysis. Apollo's AI writing assistant is built on the world's most extensive contact database to surface signals and craft hyper-personalized emails for every prospect in your pipeline.


Build the perfect outreach campaign with AI sequences

Engage your target audiences with personalization at scale using Apollo AI to generate a complete outreach campaign. Create an AI-assisted outbound sequence to ensure touchpoints are optimized for the best timing with the perfect messaging.


Craft winning strategies with AI-powered conversations

Apollo AI transcribes, analyzes, and extracts valuable insights from your sales conversations to assist you with driving next steps and optimizing your win rate. Review summarized insights from each video call grouped by topics.

I like how the AI writing feature helps me personalize email for each persona and job title in my ICP with ease. I was able to add more personalization to my email cadences to get better replies and book meetings much easier.

Louis Fischer

SDR, Superb AI

Apollo's AI writing assistant made building clear and concise email sequences fast and easy. I am seeing a lot more clicks after having used this feature!

John Gosnell

ISV-OEM Lead Consultant, MediaDev

Build more pipeline with Apollo AI today!

For more information about Apollo's use of AI, see Apollo's AI Policy.