Resource kit

We don’t want you to just read this book; we want you to put it into practice and make more sales! Throughout this guide, we’ve linked to templates, articles, downloadables, and more to make sure you have the tools you need to outbound with the best of them. This chapter collects all of those resources in one place for your convenience. Enjoy!

Apollo Sequence templates

Rebook meeting no-shows

When a prospect misses a meeting, use this quick, personalized messaging to re-engage them and get another conversation on the books.

Convert inbound leads

Automatically reach out to new leads as soon as they come in the door — the sooner they hear from you, the more likely they are to close.

Target former champions

When champions, clients, or partners land in new companies, leverage their past success stories to open new doors.

Find the right contact

Not sure who the right decision-maker is at your target account? This is the perfect sequence for asking if a prospect is the right contact, and if not, asking who would be.

Congratulate prospects on new role

Early outreach to prospects in new jobs lets you shape their agenda and secure deals before competitors. Use this sequence to congratulate them and jumpstart a conversation.

Reach website visitors

This messaging engages hot leads from your target accounts who have visited your website in the last two months.

Target high-intent buyers

Leverage buying intent data to pinpoint when potential buyers are actively seeking and researching solutions you offer.

Tailor messaging to job role

Craft your outreach campaigns to fit the exact value proposition your target prospects are looking for in their role.

Win customers from competitors

When you know which competitive advantages you have over key competitors — let their customers know that with this outreach template.

Work companies researching your category

Right when a company starts looking for products or services like yours, this sequence helps you strike when the iron is hot.


Targeting Framework worksheet

A step-by-step worksheet for auditing every closed-won deal from the last two quarters to identify your three key buying personas and when they are most likely to buy

Data Vendor Buying guide

An evaluation worksheet for assessing which data vendors provide you with the depth, breadth, and accuracy of contact data you need to execute timely, accurate outbound.

Goal Activity calculator

Enter your org’s sales performance metrics — from sales activities made to meetings held — to understand how you stack up to benchmarks, where you can improve, and what to coach around

Email Deliverability checklist

A step-by-step checklist for properly authenticating your domains, setting up your mailboxes, and monitoring your sender health

Cold Calling cheatsheet

Here is cold calling pro, Anthony Balestras’, winning cold call script, plus extra tips and tricks for making the phones a revenue-generating outbound channel.


This book is a result of many careful hands, creative minds, and devoted contributors.

Thank you…

To our illustrious lead writer, Karli Stone, for taking my ideas, rants, and scribbles and brilliantly bringing them to life. Your dedication and talent have turned a crazy idea into a physical reality, and I thank you.

To our editor-in-chief, Robyn Showers, and supporting editors and writers Janet Choi and Michelle Drennan, whose commitment to the details brought this endeavor to life.

To the 50+ sales leaders, founders, and experts, whose combined expertise created the very fabric of this framework.

To the Apollo Product and Research team — specifically, Xier Dang, Hally Pinaud, Akshath Dorai, Shashanka Rao, and Yomna Hawas — who led dozens of interviews, unearthed never-before-seen data, and supported the Apollo pipeline generation story.

And finally, to the entire Apollo Marketing team and beyond, whose passion for making go-to-market accessible to all fueled its creation, launch, and distribution.

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